We Listen. We Care.

Susquehanna University is committed to providing our students with an educational journey that is safe and free from sexual misconduct and gender-based violence.

When harm happens to any individual within our campus community it creates a ripple effect from those directly involved to their social networks, professional colleagues, academic classes, extracurricular groups and, finally, impacting the entire university. We take our role and responsibility seriously under Title IX by maintaining a fair compliance process, mandated training, educational programs and supportive resources. Our goal is to implement an individual response to misconduct and gender based violence that is respectful, caring and just.

What Is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 requires SU to provide a prompt, fair and equitable resolution for all complaints of gender discrimination and interpersonal violence. If you witness or hear of an incident of sexual misconduct or gender based violence you should complete the report linked above. This report will be sent to our Title IX coordinator.

Examples might include: gender discrimination (including discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation), sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, nonconsensual sexual contact (fondling), nonconsensual sexual intercourse (rape, incest, etc.), stalking and dating/domestic violence.

Learn more about how we address complaints by reviewing our Anti-Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy and Title IX, Sexual Assault & Gender-Based Violence Policy.

Learn more about Title IX protections for pregnant and parenting students in our Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Students Policy.

Learn more about the laws that impact our response to Sexual Misconduct and Gender Based Violence.

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Submit a Report

As River Hawks we have a duty to keep each other safe from discrimination and harm. If you witness or know about gender discrimination or interpersonal violence occurring on campus, please report it so that it can be addressed and prevented.

Make a Secure Title IX Report

Contact the Title IX Office


Campus Beauty


The Title IX Office is committed to addressing all incidents of sex- and gender-based discrimination, including sexual harassment and assault. When we receive a report of discrimination or harm, our primary focus is to work towards ending the prohibited behavior, preventing recurrence and remedying the effects by providing resources, accommodations and support. Click the button below to see the Title IX Annual Report for the 2022–23 academic year.


Contact Us

Title IX

514 University Ave.

Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870

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