Carlos Iudica, Ph.D.
- PHD, University of Florida
- MA, University of Florida
- BA, Universidad Nacional de la Plata
Associate Professor of Biology
Program Director of GO Galapagos-Ecuador
Contact Information
Phone Number570-372-4208
Office LocationNatural Sciences Center - Rm 210B

Iudica is an ecologist who focuses on evolution, systematics and ecology of mammals in particular and terrestrial vertebrates in general, with a current special emphasis on bats, marsupials, carnivores (sensu lato) and rodents of Pennsylvania. Iudica and his students study the natural history of current and extinct vertebrates in central Pennsylvania. Learning the basics of the ecological web (who, what, why, when and where) fuels the engine of his research team.
Iudica’s most recent publications (published or in progress), all with students, include: “Barn owl predation on big brown bats (eptesicus fuscus) in Pennsylvania”; “The effect of body mass on emergence time by little brown bats (myotis lucifugus)”; “A pictorial atlas with an identification key to the scale patterns of guard hairs of indigenous mammals of Pennsylvania”; “Color abnormality of two blarina brevicauda (northern short-tailed shrew) in Montour County, Pennsylvania”; “Barn and long-eared owl diets: a comparative study from Central Pa.”; “Population dynamics of eastern hellbenders in the west branch of the Susquehanna River”; and “Comparative diets of two sympatric foxes (vulpes vulpes and urocyon cinereoargenteus) in Central Pa.”
He teaches Introduction to Ecology, Systematic Biology, Core Perspectives, Vertebrate Natural History (Holarctic and Neotropical) and a special course on the Impact of Natural Disasters. He is a member of the American Society of Mammalogists, Sociedad Argentina de Especialistas en Mamíferos, International Federation of Mammalogists, North American Symposium on Bat Research, National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences and the Pennsylvania chapter of The Wildlife Society.
- BIOL-328: Natural History of Early Vertebrates
- BIOL-329: Natural History of Early Vertebrates Lab
- BIOL-460: Winter Ecology of Vertebrates
- BIOL-461: Winter Ecology Vertebrates Lab
- BIOL-511: Student Research II
- ECOL-100: Introduction to Ecology
- ECOL-560: Interdisciplinary Explorations Biology
- OFFP-GLPGOS: GalapaGOs: Ecuador
- OFFP-PATAGO: PataGOnia: Argentina
- OFFR-GLPGOS: GalapaGOs: Ecuador
- OFFR-PATAGO: PataGOnia: Argentina
- OFFS-GLPGOS: GalapaGOs: Ecuador
- OFFS-PATAGO: PataGOnia: Argentina
About Me
Iudica is an ecologist who focuses on evolution, systematics and ecology of mammals in particular and terrestrial vertebrates in general, with a current special emphasis on bats, marsupials, carnivores (sensu lato) and rodents of Pennsylvania. Iudica and his students study the natural history of current and extinct vertebrates in central Pennsylvania. Learning the basics of the ecological web (who, what, why, when and where) fuels the engine of his research team.
Iudica’s most recent publications (published or in progress), all with students, include: “Barn owl predation on big brown bats (eptesicus fuscus) in Pennsylvania”; “The effect of body mass on emergence time by little brown bats (myotis lucifugus)”; “A pictorial atlas with an identification key to the scale patterns of guard hairs of indigenous mammals of Pennsylvania”; “Color abnormality of two blarina brevicauda (northern short-tailed shrew) in Montour County, Pennsylvania”; “Barn and long-eared owl diets: a comparative study from Central Pa.”; “Population dynamics of eastern hellbenders in the west branch of the Susquehanna River”; and “Comparative diets of two sympatric foxes (vulpes vulpes and urocyon cinereoargenteus) in Central Pa.”
He teaches Introduction to Ecology, Systematic Biology, Core Perspectives, Vertebrate Natural History (Holarctic and Neotropical) and a special course on the Impact of Natural Disasters. He is a member of the American Society of Mammalogists, Sociedad Argentina de Especialistas en Mamíferos, International Federation of Mammalogists, North American Symposium on Bat Research, National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences and the Pennsylvania chapter of The Wildlife Society.